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This paper focuses on the quest for the ecological identity in furniture design. From a historical point of view in the last century, the evolution of furniture products has been examined through some examples that paved the way for clear identities by including some apparent design features. By this review, the first furniture products were spotted that could be representatives of an eco-identity. In the literature, investigation of recent eco-strategies, considering product life cycle and also product-service system approaches ended up as a list of criteria to evaluate eco-products. As a result in this paper, a checklist model was proposed and visually presented in order to assess and choose products with this regard to the eco-identity. This proposition of checklist is a re-interpretation by altering an evaluative method in design process. This tool was used to assess and compare 6 different eco-furniture products that are presented in ecodesign books.

Authors: Demiröz, Onur Y., Özkaraman Şen, Meltem

Published in Presentations